Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Last Day in America

Here I am, laying on my bed designing this blog when I should be packing.  I should be freaking out, checking and double-checking my passport and visa, poring over my information packet and packing list.  But instead I'm laying around and waiting for my mom to come over.  Personally, I'm shocked at my lack of stress.  For weeks, people have been asking me if I'm nervous, and I have yet to feel nervous.  I feel ready.  Being a relatively (make that HIGHLY) emotional person who is easily stressed out, the only thing I feel the slightest tinge of nerves about is that I don't feel nervous.  Pointless, I know.  Normally before I embark on huge adventures I am an emotional (and typically physical) mess.  If you saw me before I left for Alaska, you understand. 

On my last day in America I feel it is appropriate to let all of you- dear fans- know what I am most excited for and what I am going to miss the most while I am in India for the next 4 months.

What I (assume I will) miss the most:
1. Mexican food, mainly burritos
2. Skimpy clothing
3. 508 E. Davenport St. Iowa City, IA 52245

What I am MOST excited for:
1. Unlimited access to delicious, vegetarian Indian food
2. The slim to none, but still slightly possible possibility that I will get to ride an elephant
3. Traveling!

And one last list.... This one is comprised of elements of my trip that I am looking forward to overcoming, or obstacles that I anticipate:
1. Dealing with being a minority
2. Overcoming language barriers, though let's be real, I am practically fluent in Kannada
3. Seeing poverty     (<-----but maybe they'll have those parking meters for the homeless, a la IC???)

Well, time to pack!  This is J Bear (shout out to Katie D!), signing OUT (shout out to Chatty Kathy)!



  1. omg. i'm addicted. i'm going to check everyday. you're my new lauren michelle kinsey.

  2. Can't wait to read more. I love you~
